Sunday, September 29, 2024

NUH and Mirxes Unveil Groundbreaking Molecular Testing Center at Biopolis

WorldNUH and Mirxes Unveil Groundbreaking Molecular Testing Center at Biopolis

Singapore- The National University Hospital (NUH) and Mirxes have officially launched the NUH DMOC@Biopolis, a groundbreaking public-private partnership center for specialty molecular testing in Singapore. This center extends NUH’s Diagnostic Molecular Oncology Centre (DMOC) and integrates with Mirxes’ clinical laboratory, M Diagnostics at Biopolis. The inauguration, attended by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, highlights the importance of this collaboration.

This partnership, initiated in September 2020 and operational since April 2023, is the first in Singapore to have two clinical laboratories, both accredited under the Healthcare Services Act (HCSA), co-located at one site. This integration combines NUH’s clinical expertise with Mirxes’ advanced molecular testing capabilities, promoting innovation and knowledge sharing in specialty molecular testing.

A key feature of the NUH DMOC@Biopolis is the APEX (Actionable, Personalized, EXpress) cancer treatment selection test, a 50-gene targeted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) panel. This test identifies genetic changes in tumors that respond to specific targeted therapies, enabling personalized treatment plans that can significantly improve patient outcomes. The APEX test has already benefited over 300 local patients and more than 1,000 patients from Malaysia and Thailand. Potential future partnerships with pharmaceutical companies could make the test even more accessible, advancing precision medicine further.

The establishment of the NUH DMOC@Biopolis is a significant step in adopting precision medicine in clinical settings. The center’s commitment to advancing precision oncology through NGS-based tumor profiling and molecular characterization is demonstrated by the development of another NGS test, COMPASS (COMPrehensive ASSay). This test sequences 1,021 genes in a single assay, providing comprehensive genomic profiling that aids in personalized treatment decisions across various solid tumor types.

The APEX test offers significant benefits in cost and turnaround time. Public sector patients can expect a more than 50% reduction in costs compared to sending samples overseas, making advanced genomics techniques more affordable and accessible. Additionally, the turnaround time for test results has been reduced from three weeks to just eight working days, improving patient care efficiency.

The opening of the NUH DMOC@Biopolis marks a milestone in Singapore’s journey toward advanced and accessible precision medicine. A/Prof Tan Soo Yong, Head & Senior Consultant at NUH’s Department of Pathology, emphasized the importance of leveraging science and technology to enhance capabilities in early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. The collaboration with Mirxes is crucial in this endeavor, bringing together specialized expertise to foster patient-focused innovation and life-changing therapies.

Dr. Zhou Lihan, Co-Founder and CEO of Mirxes, highlighted the partnership’s role in transforming cancer care in Singapore and the region through NGS technology. This public-private collaboration showcases the power of combined expertise and serves as a beacon of hope for the future of precision medicine, promising better patient outcomes and more effective treatments.

The NUH DMOC@Biopolis is set to become a cornerstone in molecular testing and precision oncology, paving the way for future collaborations between public institutions and private enterprises. This center exemplifies how integrated efforts can drive medical innovation, ultimately leading to improved healthcare solutions and outcomes for patients.


National University Hospital

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