Sunday, September 29, 2024

President Marcos Calls for Stronger Government-Private Sector Alliance to Boost Philippine Tourism Industry

WorldPresident Marcos Calls for Stronger Government-Private Sector Alliance to Boost Philippine Tourism Industry

Philippine- President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. recently emphasized the need for ongoing cooperation between the government and the private sector to enhance the Philippine tourism industry. Highlighting the vital roles of revenue generation, job creation, and economic development, President Marcos lauded the private sector’s efforts for making Philippine destinations globally recognized.

During a speech presented by Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Esperanza Christina Garcia Frasco at the Tourism Summit, President Marcos commended industry leaders, content creators, and other key contributors for their significant impact. He praised their dedication to the nation, stating, “You are serving your country well with your exceptional work. You are also showing us what it takes, what it requires, to give the Philippines that edge over other destinations.” He advocated for ongoing support for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that serve the tourism sector.

President Marcos expressed his appreciation for Go Negosyo and its leader, Joey Concepcion, as well as the DOT, its partners, and the recipients of the Inspiring Tourism Entrepreneurs Awards. He stressed the importance of distributing the benefits of a thriving tourism sector to the Filipino populace and highlighted the necessity for environmental conservation, responsible resource management, and community involvement. He remarked, “At the end of the day, we are not just entrepreneurs – we are all promoted advocates and protectors of our beautiful country. Only by being so can we make the Philippines a truly sustainable, inclusive, and resilient global tourism hub.”

Acknowledging the significant economic contributions of the tourism sector, President Marcos noted that the DOT is on track with the objectives set in the National Tourism Development Plan for 2023-2028. This plan focuses on establishing a sustainable, resilient, and competitive tourism industry. Initiatives like the Filipino Brand of Service Excellence (FBSE) program have been crucial in drawing tourists.

In 2023, the DOT reported that the number of inbound tourists reached 5.5 million, surpassing the target of 4.8 million by 15 percent. The first four months of 2024 continued this positive trend with over two million tourist arrivals, signaling a strong recovery for the industry. President Marcos cited these figures as evidence of the sector’s resilience and the beneficial effects of stakeholder involvement, saying, “These numbers, and the accompanying visible increase in economic activities and commerce across our famous destinations, are a testament to the industry’s recovery.”

Furthermore, the President emphasized the need to translate these achievements into real benefits for the people, communities, and the overall economy. He expressed confidence that the Tourism Summit would be a key factor in revitalizing the industry, which had been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Concluding with optimism, President Marcos stated that the collective efforts of all stakeholders could transform the Philippines into a truly sustainable, inclusive, and resilient global tourism hub.

As the Philippine tourism sector continues to recover and grow, the partnership between the government and the private sector is crucial. The accomplishments and future objectives outlined by the DOT set a clear direction towards a more competitive and resilient tourism industry. The President’s call for sustained collaboration, along with his focus on sustainability, inclusivity, and community welfare, outlines a comprehensive strategy for the long-term prosperity of Philippine tourism.


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